Join us on this Great Commission journey!
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The work of missions is difficult. The work of missions is overwhelming. According to the Joshua Project estimates, there are still over 3 billion people from more than 7,000 people groups that have NEVER heard the Good News of the Hope of the Gospel.
How can such a task ever be accomplished?
By Prayer. God commands his children to pray, in part, so that he can ANSWER their prayers. “Jesus said, ‘Ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.'” Matthew 7:7
Missionaries Must Be Sent
God knew missionaries needed help to take the Good News of the Gospel to the far reaches of the earth so He made missionaries to be sent. One way to help send a missionary is through the sacrifice of time in faithful prayer. Will you help send us by praying for us?
Subscribe above to let us know you’ll be praying and to receive updates about the progress we’ll be making together—Together because we can’t do this alone!
And, maybe we’ll eventually even tell you what’s up with floating iron.
(Because we value you and your information, we promise not to share your information with any pesky telemarketers, or spam you ourselves—but you might get a Christmas card.)