Missions Isn’t a Solo Sport: 4 Ways You Can Participate in the Great Commission.
While it is our hearts’ desire to be missionaries, visually translating the Bible for the the Kwakum people, missionaries must be sent!
(You can read about what visual translation means here.)
That means before we can begin to work for the Kwakum, we must raise support. In this letter, we would like to share how you can partner with us in reaching the Kwakum with the hope of Christ.
For the next few months, we will be traveling to visit churches and friends to share our vision for giving the Kwakum a visual story Bible, so that even before they are literate, they begin to understand that they too can have a bright hope and a future.
“Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:18-20
This Great Commission is not meant exclusively for foreign missionaries! Matthew 28:18-20 (like every other word of Scripture) is given to each and every Christian! Yes, God asks some people to go to the farthest reaches of the earth, but he commands each of us to help spread the good news. He knows that the work of telling and teaching is too much for only a few people to accomplish. We all need to work together and we all need to sacrifice, but we don’t all need to participate in exactly the same way.
There are four distinct ways that God may be asking you to join our team in doing his Great Commission work: Praying, Giving, Advocating, Going.

The Sacrifice of Prayer
The work of missions is difficult.
The work of missions is overwhelming.
According to Joshua Project estimates, there are still over 3 billion people from more than 7,000 people groups (over 40% of the world’s population) that have not heard the Good News of the Hope of the Gospel How can such a task ever be accomplished?
In a very real way, by prayer. Prayer is powerful. God calls his children to pray so that he can ANSWER their prayer! In Matthew 7:7 Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Would you commit to joining our team through the sacrifice of your time in faithful and consistent prayer for us? If so, please reach out to us via phone call, text, email, or here!
The Sacrifice of Giving
My (Amanda’s) mom always said, “God didn’t equip me to go to a foreign mission field, but he has blessed me to be able to equip others to go.”
All my life I was surrounded by missionaries whom our family supported financially. With this support, my parents participated in the Great Commission all over the world, right from their home in California.
Has God gifted you with the ability to spread the Gospel and create disciples through the sacrifice of giving? Like the Macedonians who partnered with Paul to spread the Gospel, would you consider joining our team through the sacrifice of a one-time donation and/or regular monthly financial support?
One-time donations will be used for our set-up expenses (like office equipment and missions training) while monthly support will help to cover our recurring expenses–which include our living and ministry expenses, as well as taxes and some ministry expenses of our Cameroon team. You may join us immediately or indicate your planned start date. To find out more about giving you can reach out to us via phone call, text, email, or go here.
All gifts received before our official launch date will accumulate to help cover start-up expenses. All gifts to World Team are tax-deductible.

The Sacrifice of Advocacy
Chances are, you know people whom we don’t know! People who are interested in missions, missionaries, unreached people groups. People interested in the many ways God is bringing His Hope to the world. Would you be willing to host a “cottage meeting” in your home (in-person or via Zoom)?
Could you connect us to a friend who would be particularly interested in hearing how we are using art to reach the lost?
Could you facilitate our meeting with your pastor, missions board or fellowship group? The task of missions becomes achievable when the work is spread among the entire church body.
Would you prayerfully consider how you might expand our team by advocating for our Kwakum mission? If so, please reach out to us via phone call, text, email or fill out this form.
The Sacrifice of Going
The Kwakum (and so many others!) need many more missionaries to be Jesus’ hands and feet in their villages. Is God nudging you to go to the mission field yourself?
Perhaps you would like to be a missionary but you don’t see how your skills could be used in missions. God has opened up so many new possibilities for how missions work is carried out! We now have the technology for large data transfers, relative ease of travel, and the ability to work effectively from the U.S. with a team on the African continent. These things simply didn’t exist just a few years ago!
Or perhaps you are looking around at your own community wondering how God might want to use you to reach His lost children next door. Would you consider inviting us (and/or World Team) to join you in exploring the possibilities!? If so, please reach out to us via phone call, text, email, or go here.